
We care and it shows

We have many reviews in facebook and our Google Business Profile.

Below are just a couple of references for ease of access, we’ll eventually collect our many testimonials here. I’m very proud of our team, not just in how good we are at solar but every individual on our team is exceptional in their own right. At the base of this, we all connect on the principle that we treat people as we would like to be treated. Business is only a part of what we do. We are not just helping transition the planet to a more sustainable future, we’re helping other wonderful people do it too.

— Leo (Managing Director of SparkPoint Solar)

Review in Google Maps from Familie Hong :
TL;DR: If you're in Portugal (interior, central, Silver Coast), do yourself a favor and hire Sparkpoint Solar for your solar needs. Highly recommend!

More detail: We started down the solar path with Sparkpoint nearly two years ago (the process doesn't need to take this long -- we just spent a long time doing our due diligence and considering different equipment options). Jamie and Leo worked with us over multiple iterations and proposals until we landed on a customized solution and price we felt comfortable with.

These gentlemen really know their stuff, but even as solar experts, they clearly explained technical details to us in understandable terms and answered all of our questions patiently. We really valued Sparkpoint's responsiveness, transparency, and clear communications.

The installation team (Jamie, Max, Michael, Stefan) was super professional and punctual, starting first thing in the morning all four days that they were onsite. I work remotely from home AND we had houseguests visiting at the time of installation, which provided added complications, but the team was accommodating and really great about communicating when power would need to be shut off or when drilling needed to be done.

The entire team was hardworking, respectful, and conscientious with the smallest details, like picking up after themselves at the end of every day (even leaving my garage cleaner than they had found it!). They went above and beyond in many ways, and were in good spirits the whole time -- including the day they were on the roof in 40-degree Celsius weather installing 22 panels!

We had the opportunity to get to know the team during their time on the project. Leo/Jamie have assembled an international crew of dedicated, smart, and really interesting individuals, who clearly believe in their mission of sustainable energy and living.

We're really happy with the planning and installation outcomes. Happy to update this review/recommendation in the future with thoughts about ongoing service -- I have no doubts they'll continue to provide amazing support. Highly recommend Sparkpoint!

Review in Google Maps from Allys Parsons:

We can’t recommend Sparkpoint Solar enough! They made the process from start to finish very straightforward. We had heard good things about them, but didn’t think they covered our area, as we are over 2 hours away from them! However, they were more than flexible on this. With this being such a big investment for us, we had lots of questions before we went ahead. Jamie was always happy to answer anything we asked and explained things in a way we understood. He provided advice and guidance throughout, from the initial contact to the site visit and the final install. We really felt confident we were choosing the best system for our needs. In regards to the installation Jamie, Matt & Max worked so hard to get such a big system installed in just 2 days. The work they carried out was highly professional, VERY neat and we’re super happy with our setup. Knowing they will continue to monitor our system remotely and provide ongoing support and guidance gives us peace of mind. Thanks again guys!